Article 28 the safe may adjust the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment according to the overall status of international balance 第二十八条国家外汇局可以根据国际收支总体状况,调整保险外汇资金境外运用的投资付汇额度。
Article 21 after receipt of the approval documents of the safe about the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment , an insurance company shall sign custody agreement with its domestic custodian and open domestic custody account upon presentation of the approval documents 第二十一条保险公司在收到国家外汇局有关投资付汇额度的核准文件后,应当持核准文件,与境内托管人签订托管协议,并开立境内托管账户。
Article 8 where the foreign exchange funds of an insurance company increase due to the factors including increase in shares or capital and overseas listing , it may submit relevant documents and materials to the safe to apply for an increase of the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment of the current year 第八条保险公司因增资扩股、海外上市等因素外汇资金增加的,可以向国家外汇局提交有关文件和材料申请增加当年的投资付汇额度。